
Contract used as a Reality Oracle. Is called to resolve a market based on the answer provided.



contract IConditionalTokens conditionalTokens

Conditional Tokens contract.


contract IRealityETH_v3_0 realitio

Reality.eth contract.



INVALID_RESULT reserved value.



Template for scalar and multi scalar markets.



Template for categorical markets.



Template for multi categorical markets.



constructor(contract IConditionalTokens _conditionalTokens, contract IRealityETH_v3_0 _realitio) public




function resolve(contract Market market) external

Resolves the specified market.



This market reality questions must be finalized. If there is a reopened question, that question need to be finalized instead.


  1. From the provided market contract, hash back the original questionId from questionsIds, outcomes.length, templateId, lowerBound, upperBound.

  2. Call one of the 4 internal resolution functions corresponding to 4 market types, passing questionId, questionsIds, as well as numOutcomes or low, high depending on the market type.


function resolveCategoricalMarket(bytes32 questionId, bytes32[] questionsIds, uint256 numOutcomes) internal

Resolves to invalid if the answer is invalid or the result is greater than the amount of outcomes.



This market reality questions must be finalized. If there is a reopened question, that question need to be finalized instead.


  1. Get reality final answer by calling realitio.resultForOnceSettled() for the first question in questionsIds.

  2. Create a payouts array defaulting to 0s. Its length is numOutcomes+1 (last index is for INVALID outcome).

  3. Calculates the payout for each outcome based on the answer. A payout which index matches the answer will be set to 1. If the answer is INVALID_RESULT or larger than or equal to the number of outcomes, sets the payout of the last index to 1.

  4. Reports the final payouts of the questionId to the ConditionalTokens contract.


function resolveMultiCategoricalMarket(bytes32 questionId, bytes32[] questionsIds, uint256 numOutcomes) internal

Resolves to invalid if the answer is invalid or all the results are zero.



This market reality questions must be finalized. If there is a reopened question, that question need to be finalized instead.


  1. Get reality final answer by calling realitio.resultForOnceSettled() for the first question in questionsIds.

  2. Create a payouts array defaulting to 0s. Its length is numOutcomes+1 (last index is for INVALID outcome).

  3. Calculates payouts based on a binary representation of the answer. If the answer is INVALID_RESULT, sets the payout of the last index to 1. Otherwise, it processes each bit of the answer:

    1. For each outcome, sets the payout to 1 if the corresponding bit in the answer is set, otherwise 0.

    2. Tracks if all outcomes have zero payouts.

    3. If all outcomes have zero payouts after processing, sets the payout of the last index to 1.

  4. Reports the final payouts of the questionId to the ConditionalTokens contract.


function resolveScalarMarket(bytes32 questionId, bytes32[] questionsIds, uint256 low, uint256 high) internal

Resolves to invalid if the answer is invalid.



This market reality questions must be finalized. If there is a reopened question, that question need to be finalized instead.


  1. Get reality final answer by calling realitio.resultForOnceSettled() for the first question in questionsIds.

  2. Create a payouts array defaulting to 0s. Its length is 3 (last index is for INVALID outcome).

  3. Calculates the payout for each outcome based on the answer:

    1. If the answer is INVALID_RESULT, sets the payout for the third outcome to 1.

    2. If the answer is less than or equal to lowerBound, sets the payout for the first outcome to 1. If the answer is greater than or equal to upperBound, sets the payout for the second outcome to 1.

    3. For answers between lowerBound and upperBound, calculates proportional payouts for the first two outcomes based on the answer's position within the range.

  4. Reports the final payouts of the questionId to the ConditionalTokens contract.


function resolveMultiScalarMarket(bytes32 questionId, bytes32[] questionsIds, uint256 numOutcomes) internal

If any individual result is invalid then the corresponding payout element is set to 0. If all the elements of the payout vector are 0 or all are invalid, the market resolves to invalid.



This market reality questions must be finalized. If there is one or more reopened questions, those questions need to be finalized instead.


  1. Get reality final answers by calling realitio.resultForOnceSettled() for each question in questionsIds.

  2. Create a payouts array defaulting to 0s. Its length is numOutcomes+1 (last index is for INVALID outcome).

  3. For each answer + index:

    1. If the answer is INVALID_RESULT, sets the payout at that index to 0.

    2. If the answer exceeds the maximum payout, caps it at the maximum, otherwise sets the payout at that index to answer.

    3. Tracks if all outcomes have zero payouts.

    4. If all outcomes have zero payouts after processing, sets the payout of the last index to 1.

  4. Reports the final payouts of the questionId to the ConditionalTokens contract.

Last updated